Hello, friend!
Vanessa Foster-Whiddon here…
I am a southern American who now lives in Scotland. I barely passed the 12th grade and I am not sure how I made it through two years of college. I struggled with both reading and writing my whole way through school. OK.. really, I struggled in all things “school.”
Now I write.
Thanks to the help of my wonderful husband and auto-correct, I have made it through many blog posts. I encourage others not to let their pasts define their futures.
I am a recovering anxiety queen. I spent most of my days plotting how to stay alive and not leave my childhood home. There were many nights of awkward 911 calls and laying on the floor half naked and fully convinced I was dying. If you know, you know. Now that I am in recovery, I write and coach others on how to find freedom one little step at a time. Part of my freedom story is relocating to the UK.
My husband is a nerd. A hot nerd, but a nerd with a capital N. I love him much. He was our ticket to Scotland. He studies at the University of St Andrews. See… nerd! He will have lots of letters after his name when he’s finished, but the ones I know are PhD. I am super proud of him! This adventure we’re on has given me the opportunity to see the world and share it with you.
Mom of 4 here, one adult and three teenagers. Yes, I am old. Not really… I got started early. Being a mom has been the hardest but most fulfilling job ever. My kids give me great blog content… and lots of grey hair.
You can find me sipping coffee in little Scottish cafes. I will be typing my heart out as I learn from this messy world. So pull up a chair; you are welcome at my table! I don’t have it figured out but I am willing to grow. Come grow with me.